Category: Events

Capoeira Nago Milwaukee’s 3rd Annual Batizado

EVENT DATES: SEPT 30 – OCT 2, 2011 CONFIRMED GUESTS INCLUDE: Contra-Mestre Andre’ (New York, NY), Professor Sabidinho (Madison, WI), Instructor Brucutu (Chicago, IL), Instructor Mosca (Madison, WI), Graduado Montanha (New York, NY), Graduado Vagalume (Miami, FL), Graduado Sapo (Milwaukee,…

AfroBrazilFest 2011 – Day 5

AfroBrazilFest 2011, a week-long festival, continues… Today’s events include dining and performances. The evening concludes with a party at Fur Nightclub for great entertainment, live music and dancing! Tonight’s Schedule of Events: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm – Culinary Tasting…