Shop for Capoeira Instruments
Capoeira Instruments played in the roda:
- Berimbau – The most important instrument in capoeira. It leads the music and dictates what rhythm and what game is being played. The berimbau is a bowed instrument made up of three parts:
- Verga – biriba wood
- Arame – wire taken from a tire and struck with a Vaqueta (stick)
- Cabaça – hollowed out gourd, varies in size. There are three types of cabacas:
- Gunga – Biggest in size
- Medio – Medium size cabaca
- Viola – smallest of berimbaus
- Atabaque – Brazilian Drum
- Pandeiro – Brazilian tambourine
- Agogo
- Reco-Reco
- Caxixi
Different rhythms are played in capoeira, each rhythm determines the type of game that is played inside the roda.
Check out this site for detailed explanations about Capoeira music instruments: